
 Assumption University
Publication Type:
Publication Title:
 Development Of An Expert System For Material Selection Of Machine Parts.
Publication Authors:
 Oke P.K And Olaiya, N. G (2015)
Year Published:

Selection of material for engineering is a very difficult task because of its unlimited availability. This research was carried out to develop a user friendly interface that would allow an individual to filter through the large number of materials in order to find out the most suitable material for the production of some selected machine parts. Mathematical models for the selection of material for twenty five common machine parts were developed using Ashby model format. The software tool used in the development of the expert system is PHPMyAdmin. This was written in Hypertext pre-processor (PHP) language designed to handle the administration of MY Structure Query Language (MySQL) server over the World Wide Web. The system was implemented using the Expert system to predict the material for machine parts of previously fabricated project. The result of these tests show that for a developed soya beans milk extraction machine, the software suggested low carbon steel for the shaft in place of mild steel used for the fabrication. Comparing the software predictions for shaft materials with standard materials (in textbooks) used `for manufacturing these parts shows a greater conformity. The software is highly recommended for manufacturing industries to improve their material choice for mass production.